Friday, January 27, 2012

Fighter Ch.3

Fighter Ch.3 Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins.

Alyssas POV I opened the door and stepped inside. I was mad at my brothers anyway. Nobody has called me for the past three months! That doesnt make you feel very loved. I went to go upstairs but someone called my name. I raced upstairs to my room and changed into my sleep clothes. ??- WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE BEEN YOUNG LADY!!! I turned to kevin, he was pretty mad. I looked down. Alyssa- my friends house. Kevin- and what were you doing at your friends house-? Alyssa- schoolwork, for the crap school you send me to. Kevin- excuse me? Thats one of the best schools in America!, we pay a lot for you to go there. I sighed. Alyssa- you know, I dont even want to talk to you. Oh, and by the way, Ive officially disowned all three of you as brothers. Kevin- you cant disown us, thats like, a parent giving up their kid! Alyssa- yeah? Well, it kind of feels like Ive been forgotten about, so I wish I was given up! Kevin- GO TO BED!!! Youre going to be sorry tomorrow! I rolled my eyes and slammed the door, then turned the lights off and crawled into bed. The next morning I got up and went downstairs and got myself breakfast. Joe walked in, but I ignored him. Joe- hey ali, I missed you. He wrapped his arms around me. I pushed his arms off and stomped upstairs, I went into my room and got my bag, and made sure I had everything. Joe- ali? He asked, coming into my room. Joe- whats wrong? Alyssa- You, now leave me alone. Joe- what did I do? I picked up my bag and walked to the door. Alyssa ...

Tags: Fighter, Ch

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