Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Cover Up Contamination 101

How to Cover Up Contamination 101 Tube. Duration : 4.62 Mins.

The City of New Bedford buried their old toxic waste dump and built schools and homes. Guess What, the cat is out of the bag. It is one thing to know what is buried, it's entirely an other to see what is buried. David Fredette, New Bedford's Environmental excuse maker was upset that we wanted him to answer a few questions with a camera in his face. Instead he calls for back up like the inept public employee he is. The city of New Bedford sent an officer to arrest "the activist" for being on public land and photographing an activity funded by the public. They asked the activist to leave not because they were concerned for his health, but because he was filming the fact that homes really are built on a former dump filled with toxic waste.

Tags: New, Bedford, david, Fredette, police, irans, mullahs, contamination

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